The Art of Showing Up

six stylized zoom portraits based on carla sonheim workshop

It's spring in Austin, Texas and the weather is finally bright, sunny, and a perfect temperature to be outside for that one week before the pollination season begins (and we all start to wonder if it's allergies or COVID again). By all means, get outside, enjoy the day, and take advantage of this window of joy. When you are done enjoying the day, come back and let's chat about showing up for yourself and your creativity by scheduling, hosting, and/or attending a zoom meet-up. After two years of endless zoom calls, why would I recommend using zoom meet-ups to motivate you to show up to your writing desk or art studio? Because they work if you let them. Virtual meet-ups continue to provide an opportunity to jump start "studio or writing time" while keeping you in the studio or at your desk. There is no wasted time driving or FOMO…

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